This stock recently went public and has yet to attract analyst coverage.
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For each rating, this filter applies to the analyst's score if the analyst's score is available. Otherwise, it applies to the Institution's score.
Our proprietary Coverage Quality Score is the average Quality Score of the analysts that have covered HPQ in the last year.
The Quality score assigned to each analyst is based on 2 factors:
1. The analyst's success rate: The percentage of rating releases that are profitable, assuming a position had been opened when the analyst issued the ratings.
2. The analyst's average return: The average return of the analyst's rating releases, assuming a position had been opened when the analyst issued the ratings.
For the comprehensive nerdy explanation of our Proprietary Quality Score click here.
All analysts are ranked on both factors above, from highest success rate to lowest success rate and from highest average return to lowest average return. For each of these factors they are ranked under 4 different time frames, Past day, Past week, Past 3 months and past year. This creates a total of 8 rankings for each analyst.
For each of the 8 rankings, they are given a score from 1 to 10 based on what decile they fall into. For example, the top 10% of analysts based on the highest success rate for the past week would get a score of 10, while the lowest decile of analysts would get a score of 1.
The analysts are given a total of 8 scores for the deciles they rank in for success rate for each time frame and for the deciles they rank in for average return for each time frame.
Each analyst's 8 scores are then averaged out and that average score is then again ranked against all other analysts' average scores. These average scores are again split into deciles from highest to lowest, with the highest decile producing a score of 10 and the lowest decile a score of 1. This final decile score is what is used as each analyst's Quality Score.
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