Creative Global Technology Holdings Limited Class A Ordinary Shares
-$0.06 | -1.8%
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Discounted Cash Flow Model for CGTL's stock
When conducting stock analysis, a fundamental part of the process is to arrive at a valuation that you think is fair for the share price of the company you are analyzing. Our Discounted Cash Flow Model (DCF) tab allows you to input your predictions and opinions about a company's future business prospects in order to determine how much the company's stock should be worth.
Our DCF models let you project CGTL's balance sheet and income statement line items that impact CGTL's cash flows. You can use the data from the past 4-5 years that we provide you with to help guide your financial projections for CGTL's future. If you want to see the financial statements where the historic data comes from simply click on the source link underneath the title of each historic period. Read More
Discounted Cash Flow Model for CGTL's stock
When conducting stock analysis, a fundamental part of the process is to arrive at a valuation that you think is fair for the share price of the company you are analyzing. Our Discounted Cash Flow Model (DCF) tab allows you to input your predictions and opinions about a company's future business prospects in order to determine how much the company's stock should be worth. Read More
Discounted Cash Flow Model for CGTL's stock
When conducting stock analysis, a fundamental part of the process is to arrive at a valuation that you think is fair for the share price of the company you are analyzing. Our Discounted Cash Flow Model (DCF) tab allows you to input your predictions and opinions about a company's future business prospects in order to determine how much the company's stock should be worth.
Our DCF models let you project CGTL's balance sheet and income statement line items that impact CGTL's cash flows. You can use the data from the past 4-5 years that we provide you with to help guide your financial projections for CGTL's future. If you want to see the financial statements where the historic data comes from simply click on the source link underneath the title of each historic period.
The model uses WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) as the discount rate. CGTL's default WACC of is based on CGTL's cost of equity of which we calculated based on CGTL's beta of and the risk free rate of . The cost of debt is estimated based on the interest and taxes that CGTL's' paid during the most recently reported 12 months of financials. Finally, the equity and debt weights are calculated by using the company's market capitalization, as the amount of equity and the debt on the company's balance sheet, as the amount of debt. You can easily adjust the WACC by inputting your own assumptions.
CGTL's Terminal period duration is assumed to be infinite/perpetual, so the default setting here is -1 which represents a perpetual terminal period. You can change this to any number of years that you feel is appropriate.
CGTL's default terminal growth rate is . This number should be adjusted based on the ongoing growth rate you expect to see in the company's cash flows for the period following the years which you explicitly forecast for in the model.
Based on the default assumptions in the DCF, CGTL's fair share price is . This implies relative to CGTL's current price of .
Change the model's assumptions to see how it impacts the fair share price for CGTL.
Once you've finished inputting your assumptions you can save the model and/or download it as an excel file.
For more information on how to use the DCF tab click on the purple “How To” button. View Less
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DCF Summary
$USD Thousands
$USD Millions
$USD Billions
$USD Trillions
Forecast Period FCF PV
Terminal Years (-1 For Perpetual)
Terminal Growth Rate
Terminal Value
Enterprise Value
Minority Interest
Equity Value
Shares Outstanding
Fair Share Price
Discount Rate (WACC)
Risk Free Rate
Equity Risk Premium
Cost Of Equity
Pre-Tax Cost Of Debt
Tax Rate
Cost Of Debt
Equity Weight
Debt Weight
Discount Rate
DCF Forecast Period
$USD Thousands
$USD Millions
$USD Billions
$USD Trillions
Starting PPE
Capital Expenditures
% of Starting PP&E
Depreciation & Amortization
% of Starting PP&E
Ending PPE
Revenue Growth %
% of Revenue
Gross Profit
R&D Expenses
% of Revenue
SGA Expenses
% of Revenue
Other Expenses
% of Revenue
Depreciation & Amortization
Taxes on EBIT
Tax Rate %
Depreciation & Amortization
Change in Current Assets
Capital Expenditures
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