Historical Data Note: Our data cleaning algorithms have detected potentially noisy or incomplete historical pricing data for $TAO prior to Mar 5, 2023. For this reason, we have not included any historical data prior to this date. Furthermore, $TAO is excluded from our Trade Screener as the screener is reserved for stocks with the cleanest data.
For the analysis below a 'week' is any period of 7 consecutive days (not necessarily a calender week). For Example: Between Monday November 1st, 2021 and Friday November 14th, 2021, there are 6 'Weeks' (Mon Nov 1 to Fri Nov 5, Tues Nov 2 to Mon Nov 8, Wed Nov 3 to Tues Nov 9, etc.).
Below odds are based on the other 556 days $TAO has been down 1.7% between Mar 5, 2023 and Jan 21, 2025* . More precisely, …
Below odds are based on the other 556 days $TAO has been down 1.7% between Mar 5, 2023 and Jan 21, 2025* . More precisely, we calculate the return you would have made on each of these 556 days if you bought the crypto at the point it was down exactly 1.7% and held until the same day's market close (11:59pm GMT).
*Today’s move cannot be included in the odds below as the day has not concluded.
270 Down Trades (49%)
286 Up Trades (51%)
-20.0% Min
+0.8% Avg
+24.2% Max
Not enough data. Try a combination of the following: 1) Increase the analysis period 2) Use daily returns instead of weekly returns 3) Set the market condition to all or neutral
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Too Many Days
The amount of days selected is greater than the amount of days of historical trading data that we have for $TAO therefore no odds can be computed.
Same Day Live Odds Warning
Same Day Live Odds are only applicable for stocks during market hours and pre-market hours but are always applicable for cryptos. One Day Live Odds and One Week Live Odds are also always applicable for stocks and cryptos.
Unprecedented Move
$TAO has never been down 1.7% during the historic period being analyzed between Mar 5, 2023 and Jan 21, 2025 , therefore no odds can be calculated.
All Occurances
Date of -1.7% Move
Return After -1.7% Move
No Data Available.
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Same Day Live Odds are based on what would have happened historically if you bought $TAO everytime it moved down 1.7%, at that exact moment, and held it until the same day's market close. *11:59 PM GMT is considered the market close for cryptos
Out of all the other 556 times $TAO has been down 1.7% during a day, this is the amount of times that were followed by a positive (up) move during the selected timeframe.
Out of all the other 556 times $TAO has been down 1.7% during a day, this is the amount of times that were followed by a flat/negative (down) move during the selected timeframe.
The "Average Return" tells you the historical average return you would have made if you bought $TAO everytime it moved down 1.7%, at that exact moment, and held it until the same day's market close. *11:59 PM GMT is considered the market close for cryptos
The "Min Return" is the lowest returning trade you would have obtained if you had historically bought $TAO everytime it moved down 1.7%, at that exact moment, and held it until the same day's market close. *11:59 PM GMT is considered the market close for cryptos
The "Max Return" is the highest returning trade you would have obtained if you had historically bought $TAO everytime it moved down 1.7%, at that exact moment, and held it until the same day's market close. *11:59 PM GMT is considered the market close for cryptos
Each bar corresponds to a return range based on the two values underneath the bar. Out of all the other 556 times $TAO has been down 1.7% during a day, the number on top of each bar represents how many of these times were followed by a move within the bars return range during the selected timeframe. The bars are sized relative to this value.
Smart relative volume is an adjusted measure of relative volume (today's volume / average volume) that takes into account how much of the trading day has passed.
Example: If only half of the trading day has passed (it's 12:45pm) then we would multiply relative volume by 2.