+$0.05 | +3.5%
Real-Time Price
Discounted Cash Flow Model for CHGG's stock
When conducting stock analysis, a fundamental part of the process is to arrive at a valuation that you think is fair for the share price of the company you are analyzing. Our Discounted Cash Flow Model (DCF) tab allows you to input your predictions and opinions about a company's future business prospects in order to determine how much the company's stock should be worth.
Our DCF models let you project CHGG's balance sheet and income statement line items that impact CHGG's cash flows. You can use the data from the past 4-5 years that we provide you with to help guide your financial projections for CHGG's future. If you want to see the financial statements where the historic data comes from simply click on the source link underneath the title of each historic period. Read More
Discounted Cash Flow Model for CHGG's stock
When conducting stock analysis, a fundamental part of the process is to arrive at a valuation that you think is fair for the share price of the company you are analyzing. Our Discounted Cash Flow Model (DCF) tab allows you to input your predictions and opinions about a company's future business prospects in order to determine how much the company's stock should be worth. Read More
Valuation Summary
Fair Share Price
Current Share Price
Upside / Downside
DCF Summary
Forecast Period FCF PV
Terminal Years (-1 For Perpetual)
Terminal Growth Rate
Terminal Value
Enterprise Value
Minority Interest
Equity Value
Shares Outstanding
Fair Share Price
Discount Rate (WACC)
Risk Free Rate
Equity Risk Premium
Cost Of Equity
Pre-Tax Cost Of Debt
Tax Rate
Cost Of Debt
Equity Weight
Debt Weight
Discount Rate
DCF Forecast Period
Starting PPE
Capital Expenditures
% of Starting PP&E
Depreciation & Amortization
% of Starting PP&E
Ending PPE
Revenue Growth %
% of Revenue
Gross Profit
R&D Expenses
% of Revenue
SGA Expenses
% of Revenue
Other Expenses
% of Revenue
Depreciation & Amortization
Taxes on EBIT
Tax Rate %
Depreciation & Amortization
Change in Current Assets
Capital Expenditures